BF Utilities Ltd was begun on September fifteenth, 2000 under the Organizations Demonstration, 1956 in the Province of Maharashtra. The organization works in the Interstate and road development area.
The organization was brought into the world with Bharat Forge Limited (BFL) from a demerger conspire. The understanding plan was affirmed by Bombay's Hon'ble High Court on January 17, 2001. Under the previously mentioned plan, the BFL's Speculations (recorded just as non-recorded) and Wind Factories Division were demerged and moved to the Organization as of Walk 1, 2001.
The organization is a piece of the Kalyani Gathering of USD 2.4 billion. They verifiably worked in two business fragments – Business Foundation and Business Advancement.
BF Utilities Ltd. (BFUL) has a place with the Kalyani Group of USD 2.4 billion. BFUL generally worked in two business fragments – Business Framework and Business Advancement. For its composite plan, BFUL has experienced a rebuilding.
The Framework Business stayed under BFUL and Venture Business was moved to BF Speculation Ltd.
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Nandi Framework hallway Endeavor ltd. (74.5% holding) (Undertaking: BMIC*)
Nandi Roadway Designers ltd. (69% holding) (Venture: Hubli-Dharwad Sidestep Street)
Wind Vitality (18.33 MV)
Nandi Financial Hallway Endeavors Ltd. (64.7% holding) (venture: BMIC Stage 1)
The company posted independent revenue for the quarter ended 31-12-2017-Rs 4.90%, up by 29.0% on last quarter’s revenues, up by Rs 3.80% and up 56.14% on the same quarter last year’s sales-Rs 3.14% From The company registered net earnings following Rs 15.69% on the same quarter last year.